100 Simple Actions You Can Take Right NOW to Light Your Sparkle!

100 Things You Can Do TODAY to LIGHT YOUR SPARKLE!

Every now and then, do you feel overwhelmed by the sadness or anxiety? Like you just want to curl up in a ball and cry your life away, or even worse, fall back on some unhealthy coping behaviors that you’ve done in the past but leave you feeling worse than before.

Try this instead! Here is a list of 100 simple things you can do to reset your mind and find joy in a healthy way! Start with picking ONE task from this list- just ONE! Sometimes, it’s hard to get started, so picking the first task may feel like more of a chore, but I promise you that as you get into this groove of doing things to intentionally light your sparkle, it will get easier and feel better. If you complete one task and you still don’t quite feel better yet, then pick another! Or if the ONE task helped a little, pick another one to help some more!

By consciously choosing activities that ignite your passion and light up your soul, you infuse each moment with a sense of fulfillment and purpose. From the smallest daily rituals to significant undertakings, the commitment to pursuing tasks that make you happy is a to get your sparkle back!

Here is the list!

  1. Take a deep breath- inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds. Repeat
  2. Light a candle that smells good to you (click here for my favorite candles!)
  3. Write down three things you’re grateful for.
  4. Compliment someone.
  5. Take a short walk.
  6. Listen to your favorite song.
  7. Try a new recipe. (click here for some fun recipe ideas)
  8. Take a bubble bath with some yummy smelling bubbles
  9. Stretch for a few minutes.
  10. Send a positive text to a friend.
  11. Drink a glass of water.
  12. Read a short poem.
  13. Smile at yourself in the mirror.
  14. Write a positive affirmation. (click here for a list of positive affirmations)
  15. Hug someone you care about.
  16. Watch a funny video.
  17. Declutter a small area of your space.
  18. Plan a future vacation.
  19. Eat a piece of fruit.
  20. Do a quick workout.
  21. Connect with nature.
  22. Practice mindfulness for 5 minutes.
  23. Write a note to yourself for the day.
  24. Try a new hobby for 15 minutes.
  25. Call or video chat with a friend.
  26. Take a break from social media.
  27. Organize your to-do list.
  28. Watch the sunrise or sunset.
  29. Take a photo of something that brings you joy.
  30. Do a random act of kindness.
  31. Dance to your favorite music.
  32. Meditate for a few minutes.
  33. Treat yourself to a favorite snack.
  34. Learn a new word.
  35. Write a love letter to yourself.
  36. Practice gratitude journaling.
  37. Pet an animal.
  38. Try a new type of tea.
  39. Write down a goal for the day.
  40. Create a vision board.
  41. Do a quick breathing exercise.
  42. Take a power nap.
  43. Watch a motivational TED Talk.
  44. Complete a small task you’ve been avoiding.
  45. Wear your favorite outfit.
  46. Write down one positive thing about yourself.
  47. Do a quick desk or workspace tidy-up.
  48. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you.
  49. Try a new scent, like a scented candle or essential oil.
  50. Set a boundary that prioritizes your well-being.
  51. Read an inspiring quote.
  52. Plan a virtual hangout with a friend.
  53. Practice progressive muscle relaxation.
  54. Write a note of encouragement to yourself.
  55. Create a playlist of uplifting songs. (click here for a list of empowering songs for when you are hurting)
  56. Identify and challenge a negative thought.
  57. Do a 10-minute guided meditation.
  58. Take a technology break.
  59. Plan a self-care day for the weekend.
  60. Express your feelings through art or writing.
  61. Do a brain teaser or puzzle.
  62. Connect with a family member.
  63. Practice self-compassion.
  64. Watch a documentary on a topic you’re curious about.
  65. Reflect on a past achievement.
  66. Do a quick digital detox.
  67. Plan a surprise for someone you care about.
  68. Learn a quick magic trick.
  69. Write down your strengths.
  70. Create a list of things that make you laugh.
  71. Try a new type of exercise.
  72. Write a letter to your future self.
  73. Do a quick gratitude meditation.
  74. Plan a virtual movie night with friends.
  75. Take a 5-minute dance break.
  76. Write down your favorite childhood memory.
  77. Do a quick visualization exercise.
  78. Try a new hairstyle or makeup look.
  79. Take a photo walk in your neighborhood.
  80. Write down one thing you love about each season.
  81. Plan a day to unplug and unwind.
  82. Learn a new fact about a topic you’re interested in.
  83. Write a short story or poem.
  84. Create a list of your favorite feel-good movies.
  85. Take a day trip to explore a nearby area.
  86. Practice mindful eating.
  87. Plan a future self-care retreat.
  88. Take a photo of the sky.
  89. Write a note of appreciation to someone in your life.
  90. Practice deep listening in a conversation.
  91. Watch a motivational TED Talk.
  92. Plant a small indoor herb garden.
  93. Try a new form of art, like drawing or painting.
  94. Write a letter forgiving yourself for a mistake.
  95. Go for a bike ride.
  96. Learn a new dance move.
  97. Take a moment to appreciate your body.
  98. Write down your favorite inspirational quotes.
  99. Plan a game night with friends.
  100. Try a new type of cuisine for dinner.
  101. Practice the 4-7-8 breathing technique.
  102. Reflect on three positive things that happened today.

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