Self Care is hard for most of us. It is a completely foreign concept for those of us who have spent years, even decades, of our lives in relationships where we had to abandon ourselves to survive. When I was alone and heartbroken, people would tell me to “take care of myself” or “do things that made me happy”. While it sounded like a good idea, I didn’t even know what I liked! I couldn’t even find a place to start.

So a dear friend sat down with me one day and helped me make a list of things that I liked. They were simple and easy, but it was a start on my journey to healing. The list was deeper than spa days and bubble baths (although those tasks definitely made my list!); it was about learning prioritize my mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Whether it’s a quiet moment with a cup of tea or a brisk walk in nature, find what rejuvenates your spirit and makes you sparkle again.

Self Care

  1. Create a “HAPPINESS LIST”– a list of 40 things that never fail to make you smile.
  2. Describe your ideal day of self-care and relaxation.
  3. Describe a creative outlet or hobby that brings you joy.
  4. Describe a song, book, or movie that has had a significant impact on your life
  5. Write about your favorite season and the emotions it evokes in you
  6. Write a love letter to yourself, focusing on self-acceptance and self-love
  7. Describe a place in nature that brings you peace and tranquility
  8. Write about a time when you had to set boundaries with someone for self-care
  9. Explore a moment of laughter or joy that brightened your day
  10. Reflect on a time when you practiced self-compassion during a difficult period
  11. Explore a time when you showed kindness to yourself during a challenging moment
  12. Write about a book that resonated with you and why it had that impact
  13. Describe a comforting ritual or routine that helps you relax and unwind
  14. Write about a personal mantra or affirmation that motivates you
  15. Write about a time when you practiced self-care and its positive impact
  16. Reflect on a time when you felt a deep sense of peace and serenity
  17. Reflect on a time when you learned the importance of balance in life
  18. Describe a time when you felt empowered to advocate for yourself
  19. Reflect on a time when you let go of something that no longer served you
  20. Reflect on a time when you felt inspired by a cultural or artistic experience


  1. List three things you’re grateful for today and explain why they matter to you
  2. Write a gratitude letter to someone who has positively impacted your life.
  3. Describe a time when you felt truly loved and supported.
  4. Describe a place where you feel at peace and why it has that effect on you.
  5. Describe a moment when you felt awe or wonder at the beauty of the world
  6. Explore a time when you felt overwhelmed with gratitude for something or someone
  7. Explore a time when you felt a deep sense of gratitude for your health

Overcoming Obstacles

  1. Write about a difficult experience that you’ve overcome and what you learned from it.
  2. Explore a recent disappointment or setback and how you can bounce back from it.
  3. Explore a time when you felt proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
  4. Explore a fear or anxiety that you want to overcome and strategies to do so.
  5. Reflect on your past and present relationships and what you’ve learned from them.
  6. Write about a time when you took a risk and how it changed you.
  7. Explore a time when you felt out of control and how you regained your balance.
  8. Reflect on a time when you experienced a major life change and how you adapted.
  9. Describe a challenging relationship and what you’ve learned from it.
  10. Reflect on a past mistake and the lessons you’ve learned from it
  11. Explore a time when you felt overwhelmed and how you managed those emotions.
  12. Explore a time when you felt vulnerable and how you found strength in it
  13. Explore a time when you faced a major decision and the factors that influenced it
  14. Reflect on a time when you felt proud of your resilience in the face of adversity
  15. Reflect on a past disappointment and how it eventually led to something better.
  16. Reflect on a time when you faced a fear and how it changed your perspective
  17. Reflect on a time when you faced a fear of failure and persevered


  1. Explore what forgiveness means and what it doesn’t mean for you.
  2. Write a forgiveness letter to yourself, letting go of any self-blame or guilt.
  3. Explore a regret you have and how you can make amends or find closure.
  4. Write a letter to someone who has hurt you, expressing your feelings (you don’t have to send it).
  5. Reflect on a time when you forgave someone who hurt you.
  6. Write about a current area in your life where you still need to forgive someone and what is preventing you from doing that

Goals and Dreams

  1. Share your dreams and aspirations, no matter how big or small.
  2. Explore a goal or dream you’ve put on hold and reasons to pursue it.
  3. Write a letter to your future self, outlining your hopes and aspirations.
  4. Share your dreams and aspirations, no matter how big or small.
  5. Describe a recent accomplishment, no matter how small, and celebrate it
  6. Explore a time when you helped someone achieve their goals or dreams
  7. Write about a place you’ve always wanted to visit and why it appeals to you
  8. Reflect on a time when you overcame self-doubt and achieved a goal
  9. Write about a skill or talent you’d like to develop and steps to achieve it
  10. Describe a time when you took a leap of faith in pursuit of a dream.

Strength from the past

  1. Write a letter to your younger self, offering words of comfort and advice.
  2. Write about a time when you felt truly seen and heard by someone.
  3. Explore your favorite childhood memory and the emotions associated with it
  4. Write about a moment of unexpected kindness you received from someone
  5. Write about a time when you felt a strong sense of community or belonging
  6. Reflect on a time when you felt rejected and how you coped with that experience
  7. Reflect on a time when you felt truly content and at peace with yourself
  8. Explore a past success and what it taught you about your abilities
  9. Write about a memorable family gathering or celebration
  10. Describe a mentor or teacher who influenced your personal growth
  11. Describe a favorite childhood game or activity and the emotions it brings back
  12. Describe a favorite childhood memory involving a family member
  13. Explore a time when you felt inspired by someone who overcame adversity
  14. Describe a memorable journey or travel experience that impacted you
  15. Write about a time when you received a meaningful compliment or recognition.
  16. Write about a cherished object or keepsake and its sentimental value.


  1. Write a letter to someone you miss or have lost, expressing your feelings
  2. Write about a person who inspires you and the qualities you admire in them
  3. Reflect on a role model or mentor who has influenced your life path
  4. Write about a cherished friendship and the impact it has had on your life
  5. Describe a moment when you felt a deep connection with nature
  6. Describe a time when you felt truly heard and validated by someone.
  7. Write about a role model in your life and the qualities you admire in them
  8. Describe a moment when you felt truly connected to a loved one
  9. Write about a time when you felt a strong sense of community support


  1. Write about a challenge you’re currently facing and potential solutions
  2. Explore a time when you felt a sense of purpose or fulfillment
  3. Explore a time when you learned an important life lesson from a mistake
  4. Describe a time when you felt a sense of accomplishment through hard work
  5. Reflect on a time when you stood up for something you believe in
  6. Explore a time when you embraced change and how it led to personal growth.
  7. Write about a time when you faced a difficult conversation with courage
  8. Reflect on a time when you practiced patience and what you learned from it
  9. Write about a personal achievement that surprised even yourself
  10. Explore a time when you felt like you were on the path to emotional healing and growth

Serving others

  1. Describe a small act of kindness you’ve witnessed or performed recently
  2. Describe a random act of kindness you experienced from a stranger
  3. Reflect on a time when you helped someone in need and how it made you feel
  4. Explore a time when you felt inspired to take action for a cause you care about
  5. Explore a time when you helped someone see their own strengths and worth
  6. Explore a moment when you felt deep empathy for someone else’s struggles

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